Saturday, March 10, 2012

First week of Class 5 and Class 7

We're in the middle of a rather hot spell, but fortunately we had some cooler weather for our first few days of school last week. I've been wondering how we'll manage with Willow running through her work independently, and Gabriel and Arden and I working together. Pleasingly it went very well. Willow worked through her planned work over 4 days, whilst Gabriel and I did school stuff over 3, and I have a planned activity (painting, drawing, modelling, cooking, home loving) for each day of the week for Arden. Arden loved it, and Gabriel really enjoyed doing the kindy stuff with Arden once he got into the idea of it.

Here's a selection of work from this week.

Willow's first week of class 7

Willow's bread- baked this morning for breakfast

One point perspective


Breathing exercises

Willow found the dark centre to the lighter edge more difficult.


Some of Gabriel's work from our first week of class 5




My mandala (drawn with Gabriel for his form drawing this week)

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